Monday, July 18, 2011

Painting Seremban again / 再画芙蓉

Coming back to Seremban from the morning trip to Kuala Lukut, our Singapore friends continued their painting and sketching in town in the same afternoon.

Tan Joon Seng at work / 陈润生写生

Cheng Yoke Khoon and Ho Yee Ping / 曾玉坤和何逸平

Hoo Yee Ping's painting / 何逸平的写生作品

Pang Teng Khoon painted this Malay house at Pantai yesterday. /

The Singapore artists have continued their painting trip to Klang this morning. They will come back to Seremban tomorrow. 狮城朋友今早班师到巴生写生,明天再回到芙蓉。

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