Thursday, July 21, 2011

A buffet dinner at Seremban 1388 Club / 在1388俱乐部为狮城朋友饯行

NSAS hosted a buffet dinner on 20 July, 2011 for our Singapore friends at Seremban 1388 Country Club. They would go back to Singapore the next day.

a group photo / 合照

1st on the left is NSAS treasurer Mr. Ting Ah Hang. / 左一是本会财政邓雅汉先生。

Mr. Leong Kok Eng, NSAS committee member (facing camera) and Mr. Loke Keng Wah (1st on the right) , founder member, turned up for the buffet. / 本会理事梁国英(面向镜头)和本会发起人暨现任顾问陆景华先生也抽空来参加此次餐会。

NSAS senior members Mr. Woon Sai Ching (left, facing camera) and Mr. Wong Khian Voon (in dark shirt) turned up also. / 本会资深会员温帅庆先生(左一,面向镜头)和王健文先生(穿深色衣者)也到会。

Dato' Loke King Loong (1st on the left), NSAS 1st president and current adviser, and Datin Loke (facing camera) with Tsai and Kally at the buffet. Dato' Loke is the owner of the Seremban 1388 Country Club. / 拿督陆景隆(左一),本会首任会长及现任顾问,其夫人(面向镜头)与蔡震颖廖春红伉俪同桌。拿督陆也是1388俱乐部的东主。

Former State Assemblyman Mr. Lee Chee Keong (left) also took time off to join us. / 前州议员李志强先生也抽空来参加我们的聚餐。

From left: Mr. Loke Keng Wah, Mr. Lee Seat Fong and Mr. Sia Boon Chuan. They are founder members of NSAS. / 左起:陆景华先生、利石峰先生和谢文川先生。三人都是本会的发起人。

Tsai Chen Yin (on the left) with Dato' and Datin Loke / 蔡震颖和拿督陆景隆夫妇。

From left: Mr. Cheng Yoke Khoon, Mr. Michael Khoo, Ms Hee Teck Fong and Mr. Chan Chang How. / 左起:曾玉坤、邱泽铭、许德芳和陈长豪。

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