Friday, July 22, 2011

A brief dialogue and display of art works / 交流和观摩作品

After the dinner, a brief dialogue was arranged and the artworks done in the past few days were displayed also. / 饭后安排了一个座谈,同时也展示这几天的写生作品。

Welcome speech from Dato' Loke / 拿督陆致欢迎词

Dato' loke sang a song for Mr. Ho Yee Ping whom he missed for half a decade. /拿督为50年来再次见面的何逸平先生唱了一首歌。

Mr. Lee Chee Keong gave a speech. / 李志强先生受邀讲话。

Mr. Chan Chang How gave a speech also. / 陈长豪先生也讲了话。

Mr. Pang Teng Khoon speaking at the dialogue session. / 冯庭坤先生在会上讲话。

Mr. Wong Khian Voon mntioned something about art collection. /

Mr. Foo Yong Chek presented a piece of his calligraphy to each of our Singapore friends: /

to be continued

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