Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Invitation: Seah Kang Chui Watercolour Exhibition / 请柬:谢江水水彩画展

You are invited to the watercolour exhibition by Seah Kang Chui:

A Brief Note of the Artist:
Born in 1945 in Singapore, Seah Kang Chui has been painting in the watercolour medium for over 40 years. Seah finds beauty in the ordinary, subtle reminders of everyday life in the two countries he calls his home. The focus of the collection of watercolours displayed in the exhibition “A Tale of 2 countries – Singapore and Malaysia” is on heritage buildings, villages and rural landscapes.

In this exhibition, visitors will also see his fondness for rural scenes. He had spent a large number of years in a village – his childhood, marriage and the raising of his children. When villages became scarcer in Singapore, he turned to Malaysia’s villages for inspiration. Rapid modernisation and urbanisation has resulted in the demise of many old, idyllic landscapes. He says, “I like painting old scenes or buildings because if I don't, they may disappear forever."

He paints in vibrant colours with bold and spontaneous washes. Effortless-looking, the paintings show his mastery and skilfulness of watercolour art. A retired art teacher and President of Singapore Watercolour Society, Mr. Seah will bring more than 50 works for the viewing pleasure of the Malaysian public. The art works depicting scenes of both Malaysia and Singapore are also symbolic of the precious friendships he have formed with artists and friends from these two countries. One of the principles that he lives by is that we are all winners when we value friendship, harmony and cooperation. Therefore, he hopes that this art exhibition will contribute to the cultivation and strengthening of friendships between the peoples of the two countries.


在此次展览中,观者可以欣赏到谢氏画笔下的淳朴乡情。谢氏出生、成长于乡下,亦在他的故乡成家立室,可以说绝大部分的人生都在乡村里度过。 由于新加坡的急速发展与现代化,乡村与日聚减,老旧建筑物以及田园美景已不复存在。因此谢氏选择到邻国马来西亚的村庄寻求创作灵感。他曾说:“我非常喜欢画老旧的建筑物与景色,因为如果我不这么做,它们很可能会永远地消失。”

谢氏的画作色彩明亮、画风自然、别具一格。厚实的水彩功底令他的画作看似不费吹灰之力。他是一位退休美术老师,亦是新加坡水彩画会会长。此次展览,他将展出逾50幅描绘马来西亚和新加坡景色的水彩作品供大马民众欣赏。这些作品亦象征了他在马新两国与诸多艺术家以及朋友所建立的珍贵友谊。“当我们重视友谊、和谐与互相合作时,我们都是胜利者。” 这是谢氏的其中一个人生信念。因此,他希望此项展览将为两国人民的友谊锦上添花。

SGM Public Relations Department
Tel: 03-2144 8686
Fax: 03-2144 8484
Email: sgmpro@sgm.org.my
Website: www.sgm.org.my


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