Thursday, April 19, 2012

The T Pagar art exhibition / 丹绒巴葛画展

The Tanjong Pagar art exhibition is the result from the Tanjong Pagar painting trip on 27 June 2011 organized by the City Art Gallery. NSAS participated the activity. The exhibition was opened at 6.00 pm on 18 Apr 2012 at the City Art Gallery, KL. NSAS members Sia Boon Chuan, Khoo Boon Seng, Yong Look Lam, Loo Foh Sang, Tan Pek Cheng, Foo Yong Chek Ting Ah Hang, Wong Ah Bo, Liew Yun Lim and Kally Liew Choon Fong attented the opening ceremony. Here are photos of the event:

the MC making an announcement / 司仪宣布仪式开始

Mr. Vincent Sim, Owner of the Gallery, delivering his speech / 画廊主人沈哲初先生致词

Goh Ah Peng speaking on behalf of the participating societies /

ribbon cutting ceremony / 剪彩仪式
3rd from right is Mr. Khoo Boon Seng, president of NSAS. /右三为本会会长邱文成先生


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