Monday, May 14, 2012

Painting at Tmn Layang2 /丽阳园写生

 NSAS senior member Mr. Leong Kok Eng organized an outdoor painting at a temple near Taman Layang-Layang, Rahang, Seremban on 13 May 2012 morning. Mr. Wong Ah Boh and Mr. Liew Yun Lim joined him and they spent about 2 hours doing painting there.

admiring Leong's painting / 欣赏梁国英的画

Mr. Wong Ah Boh / 王安柏

 Leong Kok Eng's painting / 梁国英的写生作品

 Wong Ah Boh's onsite painting / 王安柏的写生作品

Liew Yun Lim's onsite painting i / 刘运林的写生作品一

Liew Yun Lim's onsite painting ii / 刘运林的写生作品二

Earlier outdoor paintings by Mr. Leong Kok Eng and Mr. Wong Ah Boh:
 Rahang New Village by Leong Kok Eng / 梁国英拉坑新村写生作品

The Temiang Chinese Temple by Leong Kok Eng / 梁国英写生芙蓉沉香天师宫

The Temiang Chinese Temple by Wong Ah Boh / 王安柏写生天师宫

Photographer: Liew Yun Lim

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